Square Enix Bring Arts Nier RepliCant Bring Arts Nier & Emil
Availability: In stock
Vendor: Square Enix
- A world that will perish. From the [NieR RepliCant / Gestalt] who painted the days of the battle of the leading character Nier, a dual-female female warrior kayne appeared in Bringing Arts!
- A dressing costume with a drastic exposure and a bandage covering the half body, the skin color by `Mamono possession 'peeking through the gap, and a dignified expression are reproduced without any surplus.
- There are plenty of accessories such as twin sword and Emil head which can also be equipped with optional 2B.
- Silver hair by clear molding conscious of transparency feeling, coloring which brings out the texture of the underwear texture, has become a finish that can enjoy the presence in the play as it is.
- Size: Approx W39 mm × D 26 mm × H 147 mm
- Accessory parts: Bring Arts exclusive pedestal, twin sword, replacement x 4